Our District
For Staff
For Students & Parents
School District Locator- insert your address into this TEA locator map to determine the school district in which you reside:
Locator Map
If you pay property taxes at your Polk County residence, this website will allow you to use your address to verify which district you pay taxes to. The school district you pay taxes to is typically the school district in which you reside.
Polk Co. Central Appraisal District Locator Map
If your address is not in Goodrich ISD, there is still an option to transfer into the district by application. Prior to attempting to register, please email all completed transfer request documents to patricia.neugent@goodrichisd.net. Notification of admissions status will be given after the transfer committee meets, usually within 7 to 10 days of application receipt.
For new enrollment of in-district students, please refer to the enrollment checklist below regarding required documents.